Ayurvedic Medicines and Home Remedies for Constipation

According to Ayurveda, any irregularities in the body are caused due to imbalance in the Vata, Pitta, and KaphaDoshas in the body. Constipation is the result of Vata Imbalance in the body as Apana Vayu is a type of Vata that regulates downward movement. An Imbalance in the Apana Vayu can affect the colon movement and impact the working of its muscles.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Constipation 

Some of the medicinal plants that are traditionally used for the treatment of constipation include Haritaki, Bal Haritaki, Erand Taila, Hingvashtak, Sonamukhi, Nishnoth.

Constipation can be treated with our classical ayurvedic medicines, such as,

1) Triphala Tablet 

2) Goumutra Haritaki Vati

5) ErandBhrust Haritaki Vati

6) Bhaskar Lavan Churna

7) Sonamukhi Churna

8) Shiva Himaj Churna

9) Lavan Bhaskar Churna

10)Swadisht Virechan Churna

Our ayurvedic patent and proprietary medicine for constipation

Kabjonin Tablet

Kabjonin Tablets an ayurvedic laxative formulation that aids in relieving indigestion and constipation. The key ingredients of this tablets are Haritaki, Sonamukhi, Nishnoth, Erand Bhrisht, Yashtimadhu and all of which enhance colon health and boost bowel movements.

Kabjonin Churna

Kabjonin Churna is an ayurvedic laxative formulation that  aids in stimulating bowel functions in the body.The key ingredients of this Churna are Haritaki, Eranda Oil and Mulethi ,Hingvashtak Churna all of which help in boosting colon health.

Home remedies for Constipation 

1) Drinking lukewarm water first thing in the morning and getting adequate exercise every day can also help manage the symptoms of constipation

2) Try adding ghee to your diet to help as it is a natural laxative that helps cleanse your colon.

3) Drinking ginger tea in the morning induces bowel movement and treats constipation. Ginger tea is an effective and instant Indian home remedy for constipation with little-to-no side effects.

4) Moreover, you can supplement your herbal medicines with certain home remedies to ease constipation. These home remedies include ginger tea, coconut oil, figs, liquorice root, porridge, etc.

5) Consuming a mixture of ghee and milk before bedtime can prove extremely effective. This combination works well in relieving constipation and also balances the Vatta and Pitta imbalances.

6) Some foods recommended by Ayurveda to eat in constipation arewheat,green gram,fruits and vegetables rich in fiber content, green leafy vegetables, figs etc.
