1 ABHRAK BHASMA (A.S.S) Useful in bronchitis,chronic asthma,fever and gastric ulcer. 5gm,10gm,500gm
2 BANG BHASMA (R.T.S &S.P.S) Useful in urinary disorders and general debility. 5gm,10gm,500gm
3 GODANTI BHASMA (A.S.S) Useful in cough-cold, fever, and headache 10gm,500gm
4 HIRAK BHASM (A.S.S) Useful to boosts immunity,cures heart tonic and tuberculosis. 100 mg,200 mg
5 KAPARDAK BHASMA (A.S.S) Useful in treatment of Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Digestive Disorders. 10gm,50gm
6 MUKTA PISHTI (A.S.S) Useful in Heart diseases, Calcium Supplement and in Hyperacidity. 1gm, 2gm
7 PRAVAL PISTHI(A.S.S) Useful in Hyperacidity, Cough,Plumonary,Hemorrhageand, Calcium Deficiency. 5gm, 10gm
8 ROPYA BHASMA (R.T.S) Useful in neurological diseases,impotency and increase fairness of skin. 2gm, 5gm, 10gm
9 SHANKH BHASMA (A.S.S) Useful in Abdominal pain, Indigestion, Hyperacidity. 10gm, 500gm
10 SUWARNA BHASM (A.S.S) Useful as Aphrodisiac and Brain tonic. 100mg, 200mg
11 SUWARNA MAKHSHIK BHASMA Useful in Acidity, Anemia, Abdominal pain, jaundice. 5gm, 10gm
12 TAMRA BHASMA Useful in liver disorders,dysentery,skin disease, obesity. 5gm, 10gm
13 YASHAD BAHSMA Useful in eye disorder, diabetes, urinary disorder and other respiratory infection. 5gm, 10gm