1 AAMPACHAN VATI(ANUBHUT)(BH.P) 300mg Digestive 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
2 AERAND BHRISHT HARDE TABLET (A.B) 500mg Useful as gentle laxative and in constipation. 100gm, 500gm
3 AGNITUNDI VATI (A.S.S) 300mg Useful In Indigestion, Loss Of Appetite, Gaseousness And Colic Pain 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
4 AJMODADI TAB(A.B) 500mg Useful in rheumatoid arthritis and indigestion. 120tab, 500gm
5 AMALAKI RASAYAN TABLET (R.T.S) 500mg Useful in digestion, hair falling and as rejuvenator. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
6 AMLA TABLET (A.B) 500mg Useful in digestion and eye disease. 120tab, 500gm
7 ARJUN TABLET (A.B) 500mg Useful in Heart diseases etc. 120tab, 500gm
8 AROGYAVARDHINI RAS (A.S.S) 300mg Improves liver functions, useful in skin diseases. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
9 ARSHKUTHAR RAS (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in piles. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
10 ARSHOGHNI VATI (A.S.S ) 300mg Useful in piles. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
11 ASHWAGANDHA TABLET (BH.P.) 500mg General tonic and Aphrodisiac. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
12 AVIPATTIKAR TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful in Hyper acidity, indigestion and gastric pain. 120tab, 500gm
13 AYUSH KWATH TABLET 500mg Useful to boost immunity and fight against various bacteria. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
14 BAHSKAR LAVAN TAB (A.S.S) 500 mg Useful in gas, indigestion, constipation." 120tab, 500gm
15 BILIPAN GHANVATI (A.B) 300mg Useful as bitter tonic for a pancreass. 120tab, 500gm
16 BRAHMIVATI (R.T.S) 300mg Useful in Memory loss,as brain tonic etc. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
17 CHANDANADI VATI (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in Burning Urination,UTI and skin disorders. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
18 CHANDRAKALA RAS (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in bleeding disorder burning sensation. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
19 CHANDRAPRABHA TABLET (A.S.S) 300mg Useful in Urinary infections and general tonic. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
20 CHITRAKADI TABLET (A.S.S) 300mg Useful in Gastric pain and Indigestion. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
21 DINDAYAL TABLET (B.S.S) 500mg Useful as Indigestion and Loss of Appetite." 120tab, 500gm
22 EKANGVIR RAS TABLET (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in paralysis and neuromuscular disorder. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
23 GANDHAK RASAYAN TABLET (A.S.S) 300 mg Useful in Skin diseases,Blood purifier . 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
24 GAUMUTRA HARTIKI VATI (A.H.) 500 mg Useful in gas, constipation and ascites . 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
25 GILOY GHAN VATI TABLET (S.Y.S) 300 mg Useful in Chronic fever,Skin problems and Debility. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
26 GOKHRU TABLET (A.B) 500 mg Useful in urinal disease and general tonic." 120tab, 500gm
27 GUDUCHI TABLET (A.B) 500 mg Useful as general tonic and blood purifier. 120tab, 500gm
28 HARDE TABLET (BH.P.) 500 mg Useful as gentle laxative and in constipation. 100gm, 500gm
29 HINGVASTHAK TABLET (A.S.S) 500 mg Useful as digestive and in gastric. 120tab, 500gm
30 KAMDUDHA RAS (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in hyperacidity, heart burn and chronic fever,stomach ulcers and colic pains. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
31 KANYALOHADI TABLET (R.S.T) 250mg Useful in Menstrual Disorder and Anaemia . 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
32 KHADIRADI VATI (A.S.S) 150mg Useful in cough and oral cavity. " 10gm, 20gm, 500gm
33 KRUMIKUTHAR RAS TABLET (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in Worm Infection. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
34 KUTAJ GHANVATI TABLET (BH.P.) 300mg Useful as astrigent and in diarrhoea and dysentry. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
35 LAGHU MALINI VASANT RAS (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in chronic fever, diarrhea & indigestion. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
36 LASUNADI VATI TAB (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in indigestion,relieves gas,colic pain and appetizer. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
37 LAXMIVILAS RAS (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in respiratory disorders such as cough, cold etc. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
38 MAHAMANJISTHADI GHAN TABLET (A.S.S) 300mg Useful as Blood Purifier,in Skin Disease and immunomodulator. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
39 MAHASUDARSHAN CHURNA TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful in Chronic fever,Malariya fever. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
40 MAHAVAT VIDHVANSH RAS TABLET (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in Rheumatism,Neurological disorders. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
41 MAKRDHWAJ VATI (A.S.S) 150mg Useful in sexual and genral debility. 30tab, 60tab
42 MAMEJEVA GHAN VATI (BH.P) 300mg Useful in diabetes and fever. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
43 NAVJIVAN RAS (R.T.S) 150mg Useful in rejuvenation and anti-aging treatment. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
44 NEEM PANCHANG GHANVATI (A.B) 300mg Useful in itchy skin and pimples. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
45 PANCHASKAR TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful in mild laxative ,cough and vatvikar." 120tab, 500gm
46 PATHYADI KWATH GHANVATI (A.S.S ) 300mg Useful in headache. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
47 PUNARNAVADI MANDUR TABLET (A.F.I) 250mg Useful in Anemia,Worms,Haptic Disorders and Oedema etc. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
48 PUSHYANUG TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful in Menstural and Gynec disorder etc. 120tab, 500gm
49 RAJAHPRAVARTANI VATI (B.R) 250mg Useful in dysmenorrheal & menstruation disorder. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
50 RASAYAN CHURNA VATI (A.B) 500mg Useful in urinary problems and genral tonic. 120tab, 500gm
51 SAMSHAMANI VATI (R.T.S & S.P.S) 300mg Useful in chronic fever, cough and low immunity. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
52 SAPTAMRIT LOH (A.S.S ) 300mg Useful in eye disease & building up blood cells. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
53 SARIVADI VATI (A.S.S ) 300mg Useful in ear diseases and diabetes . 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
54 SHANKH VATI (A.P.I) 300mg Useful in Gastric pain and indigestion. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
55 SHATAVRI TABLET (A.B) 500mg Useful as Antacid, general tonic and for Lactation. 120tab, 500gm
56 SHIR SHULADI VAJRA RAS (A.S.S ) 250mg Useful in headache and migrane. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
57 SHIVAKSHAR PACHAN TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful in gastric problem,constipationand loss of appetite. 120tab, 500gm
58 SWADISTH VIRECHAN TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful as gentle laxative in digestive disorders. 120tab, 500gm
59 SHWAS KUTHAR RAS (A.S.S ) 250mg Useful in cough and asthma. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
60 SITOPALADI TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful in cough, respiratory disease, asthama." 120tab, 500gm
61 SUDARSHAN GHAN VATI (B.R.) 300mg Useful in Chronic fever and Malaria. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
62 SUT SHEKHAR RAS (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in hyperacidity and abdominal pains. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
63 TRIBHUVAN KIRTI RAS (A.S.S) 250mg Useful in all types of fever and cough. 60tab, 120tab, 500gm
64 TRIPHALA TABLET (A.S.S) 500mg Useful in Eye Diseases and constipation. 100gm, 500gm
65 YASTHIMADU GHANVATI (BH.P) 300mg Useful in cough and throat disease . 60tab, 120tab, 500gm