Ayurvedic Medicines and Home Remedies for Stress Management

Ayurvedic Herbs use for Stress Management

  • Brahmi

Brahmi is well-known for reducing stress. It is known to decrease the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This herb counteracts the effects of stress by regulating hormones involved with the stress response. It further enhances your concentration power, revitalizing the brain cells leaving a soothing effect on the nervous system.

  • Jatamasi

Jatamasi or Spikenard is an anti-stress and anti-fatigue herb. The roots of Jatamasi are the primary medicinal parts of the plant that have therapeutic effects on your stressed mind. These roots keep our mind and body free of toxins and blockages and further provides as sense of stability, allowing your brain to function properly.

  • Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, which is a combination of amino acids and vitamins, acts as an adaptogen that helps the body adapt  itself to stressful situations and further boosts energy, stamina and endurance power. It also promotes restorative sleep and balances the energies in the body and helps treat insomnia.

  • Vacha

The magical root of this herb has a reliever action over various mental disorders. Its calmative properties help you sleep better and calm an anxious mind. It is also known to increase and improve memory power.
